新托福考試改革了舊托福考試中偏重相對獨立的聽力、閱讀的試題框架,摒棄了語法結構試題,新增口語考試,加重了寫作的測試力度。這種指導思想的核 心在於,注重測試學生的實際運用英語語言能力。因此考生在參加新托福的考試時,應該把它看成是把在美、加等大學校園的學習和生活中所需要英文聽說讀寫四種 技能的綜合展現,聽、說、讀、寫都是與教授的授課和校園生活相關的事情,沉著應戰即可,而不必想著現在正在進行的考試。

新 托福在取消了語法部分試題的基礎上,增加了建構在網絡化人機對話平台上的口試。口試共設六道試題,分為獨立試題兩道和綜合試題四道,口試的衝擊 和挑戰在於其測試和側重點不是考查考生“問路、看地圖”等生存性英語能力,而是測試考生能否在規定的時間內既清楚又有條有理地複述教授的授課內容、參與課 堂辯論並就學術話題進行交流對話的能力,所以,新托福口試的口頭表達能力本身不僅測試考生的發音、語音語調和口齒清晰與否等常規指標,還將舊托福考試中的 語法結構測試囊括其中。


gold2008 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

At www.china-doll.org , we constantly stress how important it is that your term paper topic be related to what is going on in the world today. No matter what class it is, a term paper topic should be relevant to today’s world in order to truly “Wow” your professor. Unfortunately, in the next few years, many college courses will examine the topic of the desperate state of the United States’ economy. Be prepared and take a look at the top 5 term paper topics on the economic crisis in America.

The number 5 term paper topic on the economy focuses on the credit crisis of the Fall of 2008. The credit crisis makes an excellent term paper topic because it is at the heart of America’s economic crisis. The credit crisis also covers several college class areas - economics, sociology and finance courses. Very close to the number 5 topic is the 4th term paper topic of the seizure of financial institutions by the federal government, namely the nation’s largest savings and loan and the nation’s largest insurance company. These also cover several important classes and the topic can be integrated into the same ones mentioned plus history course material.

The 3rd most popular term paper topic on the economy is the bailout plan. A bailout plan term paper examines whether or not the government’s decision to bailout AIG and other companies is a good idea. This topic can be integrated into political science, government, history, sociology and American studies term papers.

The 2nd term paper topic that has achieved recent popularity in light of the economic crisis is the topic of ethical business practices. The heart of the economic crisis in America today is a lack of ethics in business practices and government involvement in business. Ethics can be worked into just about any college course material.

The most popular term paper topic on the economy is the Global Financial Crisis. Taking America’s financial crisis and looking at in light of a global financial crisis is the most popular economics topic for term papers today. Integrate the global financial crisis into your term paper on history, sociology, anthropology or any other course and your professor will be impressed at your ability to look at his/her class from a more broad world view.

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基 本上我們為廣大海外留學生設計我們的網站,但我們所有的信息將會對一般英文論文寫作班或外文系同學有很大的幫助。在這裡您可以找到許多有用的英 文論文寫作技巧,並且將幫助你避免最常見的英文論文寫作陷阱和加強您的寫作風格。我們的網站為您提供一個全面的指南讓您輕鬆編寫不同類型的英語論文寫作

Brainstorming is an effective and efficient activity to generate new ideas, thoughts that eventually lead to the solutions of several problems at a time. Brainstorming can be performed in groups or you can do it on you own. Start brainstorming session, when you are refreshed and relaxed to produce ingenious, original and creative ideas. Sit at the table and write down as many ideas on this subject as possible - do not be afraid to sound silly, write everything that occurs to you.

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Several prominent newspapers have featured articles that blame the current financial crisis on China's buying of the US treasuries. In this theory, the deficit countries (e.g., Australia, Ireland, Spain, the US, the UK, etc.) are Peking ducks, the surplus countries (e.g., China, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.) are duck farmers, and the later force-feed the former into bloated debt junkies that eventually blow up. Of course, both willing lenders and borrowers must exist for a debt bubble to exist. But, who do you blame, the borrower, the lender, or the middleman? I am sure that stories and theories on all three would be plentiful. But, the accusation against China and other lending nations would be politically convenient. The politicians in the crisis countries could blame someone else and avoid making hard choices. However, the theory has the causality wrong.

Finger pointing in the blame game so far is mostly at Wall Street, i.e., the middleman. It is easy to do that. Just look at the CEOs of these institutions. They have paid themselves hundreds of millions of dollars on supposed accounting profits that have become today's write-offs. Their institutions are either already bankrupt or close to. Bernie Madoff's $50 billion scam crystallized the problem on Wall Street. It is easy for common people to see that this crisis has happened because these greedy people have taken advantage of the system and ruined it for their personal gains. I am sure Hollywood would have a feast with the stories that are coming out of Wall Street. They are so much better than made-up stories. Great movies could be made just by faithfully recording what happened.

I have been writing about Greenspan's guilt for this crisis. For years, I have written his bubble making decisions: I wrote (1) in 1999 that his rate reductions in response to the Asian Financial Crisis led to the IT bubble, (2) in 2000 that his rate reductions in response to the tech burst would lead to a property bubble or bond bubble or both, and (3) in 2003 that a new bubble was emerging with Greenspan as the DJ. When he took over the Fed in 1987, the US's financial sector had $1.9 trillion in debt or 29% of GDP. When he departed in 2005, it rose to $13 trillion or 104% of GDP.

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好消息! Disney 2009 七月與十月出發之美國迪士尼工讀開始招生了,3/15日截止!!

計畫日期:20097or 10 月出發兩梯次任選為期6個月



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Here are suggestions for using words and phrases which could improve your academic writing structure and style significantly.

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Internet Public Library: Reference
All of the basic research tools such as dictionaries and encyclopedias that you expect to find in a library -- and more!


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碩士/博士英文論文的寫作技巧(for thesis&dissertation)

Introductory paragraph

The introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the essay. This is where the writer grabs the reader's attention. It tells the reader what the paper is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also include a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first paragraph of the body of the essay.

Body - First paragraph

The first paragraph of the body should include the strongest argument, most significant example, cleverest illustration, or an obvious beginning point. The first sentence should contain the "reverse hook" which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the introductory paragraph. The subject for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This subject should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the second paragraph of the body.

Body - Second paragraph

The second paragraph of the body should include the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should contain the reverse hook, which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body.

Body - Third paragraph

The third paragraph of the body should include the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should contain the reverse hook, which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this essay. This hook also leads into the concluding paragraph.

Concluding paragraph

The fifth paragraph is the summary paragraph. It is important to restate the thesis and three supporting ideas in an original and powerful way as this is the last chance the writer has to convince the reader of the validity of the information presented.

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